Poker Software Reviews
Poker Software Downloads and Reviews for the latest programs
Choose your poker strategy Software below to read the review, or scroll down to read them all:
Holdem Manager | Holdem Indicator | Texas Calculatem Pro | Poker Crusher | Poker Office | Poker Edge | Poker Bonus Bot |
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Name: | Holdem Manager |
Website: | |
Year: | 2007 |
Version: | 1.11.01 |
Price: | $99 or Free |
Software: | Poker Tracking and Analytics at its best |
Size: | 80MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Poker Tracking for all stakes games and tons of HUD options. |
Rating: | ![]() |
Holdem Manager Review
It all started with Poker Tracker way back in the day. Poker tracker ruled the poker stats arena, but started to fall off a bit. Then a shiny piece of software called Holdem Manager came to the rescue. Although Hold’em Manager does have it’s bugs here and there it’s by far the best poker tracking software on the market. Actually it may be the best 3rd party software out there today.
It is capable of doing many different things. This includes, a powerful HUD to get comprehensive analysis on your opponents and yourself. You can formulate all kinds of stats based on the hands you’ve played and the hand histories of others that you might of imported. The database can get extremely large if you really go after it. The coolest feature is the graphing. You can bring up multiple poker Tracker stats in graph form. This gives you a clearer understanding of where your game is at. You also have access to a replayer, which allows you to replay all hands you have in your database. You can go back and clean up the leaks and improve your overall game.
Here is another look at a Holdem Manager report.
Here are some other great features that make Holdem Manager one of the best poker tracking programs online.
1. Table Scanner – Finds the best tables at all the major poker rooms without any effort.
2. Table Ninja – Increase your hourly rate and let software help you out as multitabler. – This is huge.
3. Leak Buster – Stop the leaks in your poker game. Helps you point out what is holding you back.
4. SitNGo Wizard – Talk about becoming a better sit and go player, The Wizard will help you get to a point perfection
5. Hold’em Vision Pro – This a graphical way to exploit your opponents and take down more pots.
You can learn all about these great features .

Name: | Holdem Indicator |
Website: | |
Year: | 2006 |
Version: | 1.92 |
Price: | $79.95 or Free |
Software: | Poker Odds Calculator |
Size: | 4.8MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Real Time Opponent Statistics and betting patterns. Instant calculation of winning odds. |
Rating: | ![]() |
Holdem Indicator Review
Holdem Indicator does more then just check pot odds. This little piece of software may make you a better poker player which leads to a bigger bankroll.
The truth about odds calculators is they provide you with a lot of information, but Holdem Indicator gives you every thing big third party software providers give you, except on a smaller scale. The quickness of the software also makes it really nice, since you don’t have to wait for it to calculate. It does it instantly. The win odds feature gives you exact odd of your given hand of winning. This is nice when you have this information calculated for you. This allows you to focus on the player you are up against.
The program gives you multiple views, so you can set it up the way you want it. The support is great as far as we can tell. We have gotten quick reponses and so far we have not seen any bugs in the program.
Another cool aspect of Holdem Indicator is the Data Tracking it provides on your opponents. This give you some solid information when it comes to making tough decisions. Bigger programs like Poker Tracker and Holdem Manager are great, but this is like a simple mini version of the two. This alone is well worth the price of FREE.
To get this product for Free .

Name: | Texas Calculatem Pro |
Website: | |
Year: | 2004 |
Version: | 5.3.68 |
Price: | $99.85 or Free |
Software: | Poker Odds Calculator |
Size: | 4.5MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Automatic Card Reading, Odds Calculating, Suggestions & Advice. |
Rating: | ![]() |
Texas Calculatem Review
This odds calculator has come a long way from when Tips For Poker first reviewed it. Originally, Calculatem Pro had no automatic card reading — you had to add the cards manually. Obviously, it was time consuming and most doubted this would ever be a useful tool. Then, automatic card read was finally developed and now it supports almost every online card room there is.
Since then, it has added even more features and continues to grow as a great Poker Program. After you fold your hand it keeps your hand frozen and plays out the hand as if you ‘would’ have called. Which is extremely interesting and using this feature demonstrates with accuracy 70-90% of the time what Calculatem Pro suggests is the correct move.
The one thing this program could negatively affect is your betting skills. Obviously, this is something you must develop on your own and especially playing no-limit one doesn’t want to overshoot a hand they are obvious to win. Now, with that being said — take Calculatem’s advice with a grain of salt.
This program continues to be the most valuable online odds calculator you can use today. If you don’t have it, download it right now. And, I can say with confidence that you will most likely be a return customer and purchase this product!
To get this product for Free .
Name: | Poker Crusher |
Website: | |
Year: | 2007 |
Version: | 4.7 |
Price: | $4.95/Mo – $39.95/Mo or Free |
Software: | Player Tracking |
Size: | 12.2MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Automatically Tracks Players, Import old Hand Histories, Gives Advice How To Improve Game. |
Rating: | ![]() |
Poker Crusher Review
This software is the best way to track over 3 million poker players online. You gain access to some clever software that gives you the advantage. You can do player searches to see if they are calling stations or sharks. Poker Crusher has it all for an affordable price. The best part is you can get it for FREE.
The huge database of players is updated in real time. It’s not some corky software either, it gives you a nice looking feedback panel to decipher your information.
It is also great at finding the weaknesses in your own poker game. The software can be used at some of the great poker rooms such as and many more.
Bottom line, dollar for dollar, is this program worth the money? Tips For Poker says, YES!
Name: | Poker Office |
Website: | |
Year: | 2003 |
Version: | 5.0 |
Price: | $99 or FREE |
Software: | Player Tracking and Player Tracker |
Size: | 26MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Tracks your poker stats, Hand Histories and other players actions. Improvement Device |
Rating: | ![]() |
Poker Office Review
Another program that has come a long way from its first version is Poker Office. This hand tracking utility watches your hands & your opponents play for patterns and weaknesses. It’s fairly obvious that a machine tracking you over time will notice this and be able to hash out advice upon how you can improve your game.
Poker Office then interprets this information and, in a live game can give you advice using both odds calculations and the statistics to suggest what action to take (screenshot). I’d say an estimated 8/10-9/10 times it gives you the correct advice.
However, once again take the advice with a grain of salt. It’s only a computer and in order to win your hands you must think like a human!
One area in which Poker Office has really helped my game a lot is Poker Tournaments. Through tracking my tournament play I learned several key mistakes I was making and quickly fixed them. I find myself finishing at least 10 places higher (if not the top 20) in most 200+ entry tournaments now.
Bottom line, dollar for dollar, is this program worth the money? Tips For Poker says, YES!
Name: | Poker Edge |
Website: | |
Year: | 2005 |
Version: | 5.0 |
Price: | $4.95/month to $39.95/Month |
Software: | A one stop player tracker odds calculator and more |
Size: | 13.6MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Check stats on your opponents live, gives pot odds, and complete keeps you in control. |
Rating: | ![]() |
Poker Edge Review
Poker Edge poses a valuable question, are you in POKEREDGE? to find out. Scary thing, is its true! IF your name comes up — they have stats on you. Don’t believe me? Enter a random name, PoopyPants per say and see what comes up and then enter your name. If you play at, there’s a good chance your tracked.
Being tracked isn’t that bad. Most people, given this utility couldn’t properly interpret the information that they are given. Additionally, the information that is given is often lacking.
Example: Looking up statistics on myself, I came across approximately 200 tracked hands. Well, I’ve played probably a good 10,000 or so hands at PartyPoker. So they’re missing just a tad bit of information about me and others.
However, conversely as they grow they learn more and this is definitely not a tool to be underestimated.
Tips For Poker’s Suggestion : Try the 5 day Trial Subscription. (if you don’t like it, don’t forget to cancel) And, if you can properly wield this tool. Keep it. If not, go back to Poker Office/Calculatem mighty Duo!
One last concern, if your paying for stats – what makes you think they aren’t recording your stats or other valuable information well your paying? Its a catch 22.
Bottom line, dollar for dollar, is this program worth the money? Tips For Poker says, YES!

Name: | Poker Bonus Bots |
Website: | |
Year: | 2006 |
Version: | 5.07 |
Price: | $129 |
Software: | Poker Bot |
Size: | 2.6MB |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Features: | Play poker while you’re sleeping using this one of a kind Poker Bot. Holdem, Omaha, PLO, Blackjack Bot |
Rating: | ![]() |
Poker Bots – Poker Robots
I’ve always known they’ve existed, yet never found one that really worked well. Poker is a pretty emotional game and when you take the emotion out, people play different. The goal is to create a Poker Bot that can play low stakes poker games and milk the money out. Does it work? Well this Poker Bot seems to work pretty well. I got the 200 hand demo and was able to run it on I was pretty impressed with this small piece of software.
Back when WinHoldem was the only Bot around, I was thinking how difficult it would be to get this Robot up and running. It turns out, with the step by step instructions they give you with the download, I was able to get the bot rolling within 15-20 minutes. A couple of Windows changes, FullTilt changes and I was off to the races.
The standard profile it comes with is pretty conservative, so I’m sure there are better ones out there. You may have to check out their forums for those answers. After 200 hands, which is obviously not a large sample, I was able to run my $10 buy-in at a $.05/.10 table up to $12.24. For 200 hands that is not bad. With a $10 buy-in you can’t expect to get rich.
I do have to say with the complexity of it all, it was real easy to launch which what most of these poker bots have been unable to do in the past without running into large bugs. Of course, we are not completely sold on this Bot, but we do feel it has huge potential if you are able to make the tweaks that make it a winner. This article about poker bots back in the day opened a lot of eyes to this. A lot of players couldn’t belive that bots were actually sitting next to them. Well guess what, you are most likely seated with a bot right now as you play NL Hold’em. Other things you want to consider before using this poker bot is that most rooms don’t allow them. If you are caught your account will most likely be terminated.
Poker Bonus
- Poker Hands and Odds
- Poker Strategy Book
- Online Poker Cheating
- Razz Strategy
- Texas Calculatem
- No Deposit Poker
- Beezid Promo Code
- Low Limit Poker
- Razz Poker
- Tournaments
- Online Poker Tournaments
- Player Notes
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