No matter where you play poker online, you should have the option to chat with others at your table, or with people that are observing your table. A lot of times that simple box might seem like it’s in a foreign language though as people use chat speak in there to congratulate one another or, more commonly, to tell each other off. If you don’t know what’s going on with the chats at your table, think look at some of these terms for quick reference.
nh: Nice hand. A lot of people don’t use this enough. If you see someone on your tale with a great hand and a legitimate betting style, throw an “nh” their way. You may also see vnh, which just means very nice hand.
nb: Nice bet. This is usually used to tell someone that they played a hand well and made a bet that caused the opponent to really think about their own hand. This can also be used sarcastically though, so be careful and read the context.
np: Nice play. This again is used to congratulate someone on a well played hand, often the result of either a good bluff or a good trap.
gg: Good game. This is used to tell someone goodbye when they get knocked out of a tournament, assuming that the person actually did play a good game. If the person made stupid calls, stupid bets, or stupid raises, he or she will likely not receive any “gg’s”.
os: off suit. If a person says they have A10 os, that means that they have an Ace and a ten in their hand and the cards are not of the same suit. This could be any combination of cards.
donkey: This is a universal poker term for a really crappy player. Other versions of this include donk, fish, and some unpleasant words that are best left out of this article. If you are called a donkey or any derivative of that term, take it as an offense.
These chat terms may come in handy especially at rooms like and where the players are more out there.
Tags: all in chat, chat in poker, note taking, player notes